Latest documentary "Oyster Factory" has been officially invited to Locarno International Film Festival 2015! 最新作『牡蠣工場』がロカルノ国際映画祭へ正式招待されました!

Saturday, December 29, 2007

Won "Best Comedy" ベスト・コメディー賞受賞!


CAMPAIGN won the "Best Comedy" award of "Golden Tamademy Award 2007" given by a Japanese hiphop star/radio personality Utamaru! Yeah!!

Friday, December 28, 2007

Radio tonight 29日のTBSラジオに出ます

29日のTBSラジオにちょびっとですが僕が出演しますのでお知らせします。 番組は、「ライムスター宇多丸のウィークエンド・シャッフル」。宇多丸さんが選んだ「輝け!ゴールデン・タマデミー賞2007」(笑)の発表があります。



Friday, December 21, 2007

DVD on Sale in Japan! 日本全国でDVD発売!


4.ニセ小泉&ニセ安倍も登場!劇場公開初日 in Tokyo
5.朝まで?激突トークバトル! 田原総一朗氏x想田和弘監督x山さん
6.想田和弘監督&山さん出演 映画『選挙』CF

封入 新聞風 解説リーフレット


On December 22, DVD of CAMPAIGN becomes on sale in Japan. The running time is 120 minutes (full version).
It has many special features including optional English subtitles and 60 minutes of bonus videos.

Optional English subtitles
60 minutes of bonus viodes
1. Deleted scenes
2. Q&A at Berlin Film Festival
3. Yama-san's campaign style speech in Berlin
4. Theatrical release in Tokyo with "fake Koizumi" and "fake Abe"
5. Heated discussion with Soichiro Tahara, Kazuhiro Soda, and Yama-san
6. Soda & Yama-san promoting CAMPAIGN

The DVD can be purchased online.

Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Soda on Fuji TV 週刊フジテレビ批評


I'll be on Fuji TV, Japan on Dec 12 from 5:30 to 6:00 AM! Check it out if you are in Kanto area of Japan and wake up early in the morning. The name of the program is Shukan Fuji TV Hihyo.

Saturday, December 15, 2007

Book by Yama-san on Sale! 山さんの本が発売!



Friday, December 14, 2007

Trees 木


I'm not a big fan of winter, and it had been rainy and dark in New York, so I was a bit depressed. But today, the sun finally showed up, so I decided to take a walk in the morning.

While walking, I found some leaf buds covered with soft hair coming out of branches of a tree which just lost all the leaves.

I was amazed. Trees prepare for the spring while it's in the middle of the winter although nobody recognizes their efforts. I wonder if they never feel lazy. I cannot help respecting them. They are my mentor, I feel like.

Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Watch Docs 人権映画祭

 映画祭では、9本のドキュメンタリー映画を観た。中でも心に残ったのは、中国の警察署の実態を淡々と描いた『罪と罰』(Zhao Liang監督・中国)、暴力的な子供を集め教育する寄宿学校を観察した『Hold Me Tight, Let Me Go』(Kim Longinotto監督・イギリス)、コロンビアの暴力の連鎖の構造を子供たちの世界を観察することで浮き彫りにした『ABC Columbia』(Enrica Colusso監督・イタリア/フランス)など。非常に充実したラインナップで、質の高い映画祭であると感じた。惜しむらくは、上映機材の制約からほとんどがDVDによる上映で、画質があまりよくなかったことである。『選挙』の上映も、おせじにも状態がいいとは言えなかった。ただ、その辺は映画祭側も気にしているようで、今後改善されるのではないかと期待が持てた。


I'm back from Warsaw where CAMPAIGN was screened on Dec 8th and 10th. Since it was a human rights festival, many of the audience were government officials or students in politics. The atmosphere was quite different from other festivals. The Q&A after the screening on 10th lasted for an hour, the longest I have experienced so far. Many people pointed out that the relationship between Polish citizens and politics is similar to that of the Japanese. I was a bit surprised as I know how severe the sufferings Polish people had to endure because of politics they had. They were also surprised to see the world of a Japanese election campaign since they seemed to believe that Japan enjoys a matured democracy system.

It's been almost 20 years since the communist government collapsed in 1989 in Poland. To me, that dramatic event seems like yesterday, but 20 years is obviously enough time for a country to change drastically. Walking around the streets of Warsaw, the town looked no different from other Western European cities. The abundance of material and even the prices are the same as New York. Many of the staffs of the festival - they are mostly in their 20's - barely experienced the end of the communist era. The most popular foreign language to learn now is English, not Russian, and many young people speak very fine English.

Entering its new era, Poland seemed to be full of energy and hopes of youth. It has not been touched by the decadent feeling we often experience in Japan or in America. A bright future is yet to come to this country, I felt.

The line up of the festival was very strong. During the festival, I saw 9 documentaries in total. Among them, I particularly liked CRIME AND PUNISHMENT by Zhao Liang, HOLD ME TIGHT, LET ME GO by Kim Longinotto, and ABC COLUMBIA by Enrica Colusso. They were all observational, insightful, and courageous, I thought. One thing which disappointed me was that most films including CAMPAIGN were screened on DVD. Naturally, they didn't look too good. But the festival is aware of this, so I guess they will probably improve the situation in the next year.

Pictures (from above): Old part of Warsaw, Festival Director Maciej (right) and Coordinator Anna, the entrance of a theater where CAMPAIGN was screened.

Friday, December 07, 2007

To Warsaw ワルシャワへ

今日からポーランドのワルシャワへ行きます。ワッチ・ドックス人権映画祭に参加し、『選挙』を上映します。ワッチ・ドックスというのは、番犬(watch dog)とドキュメンタリーを観る(watch docs)を掛けた名称。上映スケジュールは下記です。
Today, I'm leaving for Warsaw, Poland to attend Watch Docs Human Rights Film Festival.
CAMPAIGN will be screened as follows:

Saturday Dec 8, 20:30 Kino.Lab
Monday, Dec 10 20:00 Kino.Muranow

Friday, November 30, 2007

Festivals This Winter この冬の映画祭

This winter, CAMPAIGN will be screened at the following festivals. I'm going to Warsaw and Manosque to present the film, so see you there!

Nippon Koma Film Festival (Lisbon, Portugal)
at 21:30, December 5, 2007

Festival Film Dokumenter (Jogjakarta, Indonesia)
December 10-15, 2007

WATCH DOCS Human Rights in Film (Warsaw, Poland)
December 7 - 16, 2007

Rencontres Cinema de Manosque (Manosque, France)
January 29 - February 3, 2008

Thursday, November 29, 2007

Nantes 3 Continents Film Festival ナント三大陸映画祭

** Sorry again, this article is only in Japanese!


写真(上から):映画祭閉幕式、『選挙』を上映したアート系映画館「Le Cinematograph」、『選挙』上映後の質疑応答、アルジャジーラによるインタビュー、クリストフと一緒にディナー。

Thursday, November 15, 2007

Autumn colors 紅葉の季節


sorry, this artivle is only in Japanese!

Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Suntan 日焼け


**** Sorry, this article is only in Japanese!!

Monday, November 12, 2007

Dominican Republic ドミニカ共和国


I and my wife Kiyoko are back from Dominican Republic. This is our 3rd visit to this beautiful country in the Caribbean sea. We are so tanned because we were playing with fish all day long.

Our favorite spot was a little uninhabited island near the hotel we stayed. We met many different kinds of fish there when snorkeling. The waterproof camera by Olympus I bought the other day was really fantastic until it stopped working because of water leak... I don't know why it happened. The first shot is an homage to Mr. Exit, a great Japanese editor.

Tuesday, October 30, 2007


(Sorry, this article is in Japanese only).



映画「選挙」上映会 若者ら街頭でPR

Friday, October 26, 2007

Festivals this fall 秋の映画祭ラッシュ

There are many festival screenings of CAMPAIGN this fall.

Kaohsiung Film Festival (Taiwan)
Oct 26 @17:00 & Nov 3 @17:40

Copenhagen Documentary Film Festival (Denmark)
Nov 13 @17:00

Leeds International Film Festival (UK)
Nov 10 @15:45 & Nov 14 @14:30

Nantes 3 continents Film Festival (France)
Nov 20-27

Nippon Koma Film Festival (Portugal)
Dec 5 @21:30

Wednesday, October 24, 2007

DVD Release in Japan


ーベルリン映画祭での舞台挨拶 by想田&山さん
ー東京渋谷での公開初日映像 with ザ・ニュースペーパー


DVD of CAMPAIGN will be released in Japan on December 22, 2007 from Kinokuniya. Now, you could pre-order copies on various websites such as Kinokuniya on the web or It is of course, 120 minute full version with English subtitles. There are many bonus materials.

Bonus materials (subject to changes without notice)
- Seven never-seen-before scenes that were funny but deleted.
- Q&A by Soda and Yama-san at Berlin Film Festival
- Yama-san's speech in the streets of Berlin in election campaign style
- The theatrical opening day in Shibuya, Tokyo
- Talk show of Soichiro Tawara x Soda x Yama-san
- Theatrical Trailer

If you live outside Japan and USA, please order DVD from the page below.

Tuesday, October 23, 2007

New Toy

来週からドミニカ共和国へ行ので、水中でも撮れるデジカメを買った。オリンパスのStylus 790SWという機種。ネット上のレビューでは、防水性と耐衝撃性以外にはこれといって長所のないカメラという評価なんだけど、スーパーマクロモードが優れていることを発見したので試し取りも兼ねて色々遊んだ。カミさんの足の指紋までくっきり撮れるので面白い。海の中で魚を撮るのが楽しみだ〜。

We are going to Dominican Republic next week, so I bought a waterproof digital camera, Olympus Stylus 790 SW. According to reviews online, it is a mediocre camera except for its shockproof and waterproof abilities, but I realized that its super-macro mode is excellent, so I played with it. Kind of cool to capture even details like my wife's fingerprints. I'm looking forward to shooting fish under the ocean.

Friday, October 19, 2007

現代思想 Gendai Shiso

Gendai Shiso is now on sale. I and Naomi Kawase talk about documentary filmmaking.

『現代思想 2007年10月臨時増刊号』

カメラを廻す理由 / 河瀬直美+想田和弘

ドキュメンタリーもフィクションである / 佐藤真
ドキュメンタリーの地平 追悼・佐藤真 / 森達也
なぜ、わたしは記録映画を・・・・・・ / 羽田澄子
個人的な視座ということ / 鈴木志郎康
映画は口である / ビョン・ヨンジュ (訳=金惠信)
「記憶」 を撮る 映画 『蟻の兵隊』 の撮影現場から / 池谷薫
ナイフで触れるように / 梁英姫

記録と歴史の間 王兵インタヴュー / 王兵 [聞き手=丸川哲史]
忘却へのレジスタンス / リティー・パニュ [聞き手=北小路隆志]

鏡花フィルム / 吉増剛造
DAMU—大木 ドキュメンタリー 07/8/22〜8/31 / 大木裕之

話者の消滅 フレデリック・ワイズマンの位置 / 鈴木一誌
三里塚の蠱惑的空間にて時間を視覚化する / 阿部マーク・ノーネス (訳=山本直樹)

ヤマガタの市場性 / 藤岡朝子
ドキュメンタリー映画のプロデュースとは / 山上徹二郎
市民ビデオ アートとドキュメンタリーのあいだ / 佐藤博昭
女性が映像を作るということ 「ビデオ塾」 の一〇年、生まれたばかりの 「連連影展FAV」 / 松本真紀子
反時代的・映像の居場所 / 櫻田和也
中国ドキュメンタリー “運動” / 佐藤賢
いったい誰が影丸なのか サパティスモ関連ドキュメンタリー作品ガイド / 廣瀬純

意識の外を巻き込む / 松本俊夫 [聞き手=平沢剛]
軍事映像人類学 / 港千尋
インプロヴィゼーションとデモクラシー / 北小路隆志

映法のパルタージュ 森口豁と沖縄 / 仲里効
LGBTドキュメンタリー映画の系譜 / 出雲まろう
フィルムが映し出す日中戦争の影 / 丸川哲史
記憶から想起へ ドイツ語圏の作品から / 岩崎稔
ヒロシマそしてグローバルヒバクシャ / 東琢磨
パレスチナ/イスラエルの 「壁」 は何を分断しているのか
 民族と国家の形を示す四つのドキュメンタリー映像 / 早尾貴紀
ヨーロッパ映画と移民問題 / 菊池恵介

セルフドキュメンタリー10選 / 村山匡一郎
海外のドキュメンタリー10選 / 北小路隆志
日本のドキュメンタリー10選 / 岡田秀則

Saturday, October 13, 2007

Yamagata 山形映画祭


From October 4 till 11, I attended Yamagata International Documentary Film Festival. To be honest, this is the first time for me to go to Yamagata, which surprised many people because most people are repeaters.

The jobs I had to do there were very limited. I did a lecture on "how to sell your doc abroad," did a Q&A after a screening of CAMPAIGN, and joined a lecture by a renowned sociologist Shinji Miyadai as a guest speaker. Other than that, all I had to do was to watch movies, chat with friends and colleagues until early morning, and jump in to hot springs in Zao. It was a luxurious week.

There were four movies I was deeply impressed. The first one was called MT. ZAO (1935) by Koji Tsukamoto. All he shot was that people climbed the mountain and went down the slopes skiing, but it was so thrilling and beautiful. Movies do not have to be complicated. The B&W photography was just superb. I wonder if that much snow in winter is still there in this age of global warming.

The second one was LUBRICATING OIL (1960) by Shinji Takeuchi. It is a short film made as a PR film for an oil company, but the colors, compositions, and sounds are just incredibly beautiful. It is a critique of modern civilization from a point of view of lubricating oil. I've never projected myself onto oil before. It's is so amazing to learn that such a powerful masterpiece was made as a corporate film.

The third one was AN ENGINEER'S ASSISTANT (1963) by Tsuchimoto Noriaki. It's embarrassing to say that I saw his film for the first time. I entered the documentary world after I moved to New York, so I had never had a chance to see Japanese old masterpieces. And when I saw it, I was blown away. This is certainly a masterpiece. It was also shot as a propaganda film for Japan Railroad to show how safe their trains are, but it captures the train running like a beautiful animal. The intricate details of dynamic works by train's staff are really powerful and cinematic. I just loved it.

The fourth film was PAPER CANNOT WRAP UP EMBERS (2006) by Rithy Panh. It is a direct cinema which shows the daily lives and monologues-like dialogues by prostitutes in Phnom Penh. I had no idea how the director shot it and how he got the permission to shoot. The shots are beautifully composed and edited. I didn't understand why this didn't get any awards even if it was in the competition.

Anyway, the week in Yamagata was very enjoyable. I'd like to come back here in 2009 hopefully with my new movie.

Tuesday, October 09, 2007

Guardian Review

Guardian reviewed CAMPAIGN! THE KAWASAKI CANDIDATE aired on BBC as a part of Why Democracy? series.


Campaign! The Kawasaki Candidate (BBC4) was an impertinent delight. Kazuhiko Yamauchi was selling stamps when he was parachuted into Kawasaki City as the Liberal Democrat candidate. Not to be confused with the Democratic candidate, though both, you observe, plume themselves on their democratic credentials. Yamauchi was clear on two points: his name ("Repeat it every three seconds!") and the necessity of reform ("I'm for reform!"). On one unproductive night, he gave the smiling figure of Colonel Sanders his leaflet saying, "I'll advance reform." Reform of what, we know not.

"My plan was to become famous first, then run for office," he confided wistfully to college friends. "Celebrities do well." Being a nonenity, he was alternately snubbed and bullied by party officials. His wife, however, reacted to being bullied with some brio. They had one of those in-the-car conversations. Well, monologues, really.

"Someone told me I should give up my job. So I said, 'What if we lose? We'd both be out of a job.' Then they said 'Don't think about losing.' I nearly said, 'I'll quit my job when my husband's prime minister.' I tell you, right now, if we lose here, we'll be totally broke. And they're ignoring my human rights. It's so backward to tell me to be quiet! It's your fault! If you weren't so weak they wouldn't talk to me like that."

"Just pretend to listen," said Kazuhiko Yamauchi, who was just pretending to listen.,,2186622,00.html#article_continue

Wednesday, October 03, 2007

Why Democraxy? & DVD Release

The broadcast of CAMPAIGN! THE KAWASAKI CANDIDATE (52 minutes) on WHY DEMOCRACY? project is starting from October 8th around the globe. You could check the broadcast schedule in each country if you go to the page below.

We are now also releasing DVDs of CAMPAIGN (120 minute full version) worldwide through NTSC and PAL are on one disc, so it is playable vertually everywhere! It also has bonus materials such as "deleted scenes" or "Yama-san and Soda @ Berlin Film Festival premiere". Because of rights issues, we cannot sell this to customers in the USA or in Japan, unfortunately. I'm sorry. But in Japan, DVDs will be released in December 2007 through Kinokuniya. In the US, we'll release it in the Summer 2008.

WHY DEMOCRACY?シリーズが、いよいよ10月8日から全世界で始まります。世界各国での放映予定は下のページで国と映画の名前を選べばチェックできます。



On Thursday, October 11th at 15:30, CAMPAIGN will be screened in Rome, Italy as a part of Asian Film Festival.


Shimotakaido and Yamagata 下高井戸と山形


午前10時〜12時 J Pitch セミナー 『選挙』とWhy Democracy?
午後1時30分〜 『選挙』上映+想田と山さん舞台挨拶

The screenings of CAMPAIGN are still going on.
From October 6, it will be screened at Shimotakaido Cinema, Tokyo from 11 AM. One week only.

On Saturday, Oct 6, CAMPAIGN joins Yamagata International Documentary Film Festival, too.
10 AM - J Pitch Seminar CAMPAIGN and WHY DEMOCRACY?
1:30 PM- Screening of CAMPAIGN, Q&A after the screening

Friday, September 28, 2007



On Sunday, September 30th, I and Yama-san will appear at Uplink in Shibuya, Tokyo. It's a double feature event with FRAGMENT, a documentary by Makoto Sasaki. The theater opens at 13:00 and the films start at 13:30. After the films, we'll have a Q&A discussion.

Thursday, September 27, 2007

Sato Makoto Memorial 佐藤真さんを偲ぶ会


On September 26, I attended a memorial of Sato Makoto, a renowned documentary filmmaker who suddenly passed away this month at the age of 49. The memorial was filled with so many people, especially from the Japanese movie industry. It was comforting for me to talk about Sato-san with people who know him. I was glad to be there. I even met some new people. Sato-san connects people, even after his death.

In the train to Ashikaga, I read his first book NICHIJO TOIU NANO KAGGAMI which I bought in Jimbo-cho in Tokyo. This book is so interesting. Sato-san's thoughts and philosophy stimulates my heart and brain even now. His body is certainly dead, but his works, his spirit is very much alive.

Sunday, September 23, 2007

Nature 自然


When I return to my home town, Ashikaga, I take a walk every morning. Because it's been so hot every day since I returned, I felt that the season remained as the mid-summer, but if you look closely, you see many signs of the arrival of fall - red dragonflies, cluster-amaryllis, cosmoses, etc. The nature is still functioning despite the serious and continuous abuse it takes from human beings. I feel grateful. I wish the descendants of the meditating frog on the amaryllis will still enjoy their lives in the next year, the following year, and 100 years from now. I wonder what we should and should not do to realize that.

Thursday, September 20, 2007

A discussion with Kawase-san 河瀬直美さんと対談



On Sept 19, I met Naomi Kawase (MOGARI NO MORI) to have a discussion on documentary. It will be transcribed on GENDAI SHISO magazine to be published in early October.

At a meeting right before the discussion, I was astonished to hear Mr. O, an editor of the magazine say "the article will probably be about 30,000 words." 30,000 words?! That's a book, not an article. Amazing. Mr. O also showed me the line-up of the people who are contributing to this issue, which included almost every important figure in the Japanese documentary world. This is a must buy, really. In the line-up of essays, I found the name of Makoto Sato (LIVING ON THE RIVER AGANO) who suddenly passed away last month. Unfortunately, it turned out to be the last thing he wrote...

Anyway, Kawase-san wore a beautiful kimono. When taking pictures together, she made me laugh saying "Soda-san, people might misunderstand that you are having fun at a bar in Ginza." Her background, way of thinking, and approach to documentary, are quite the opposite of mine, but at the same time, I felt that the we shared the same philosophy toward filmmaking in a profound way. It was quote deep. The magazine will transcribe almost everything we said in an hour and a half discussion. I wish we had more time, though. She said she's coming to Yamagata Film Festival, so hopefully, we'll continue our talk there...

Monday, September 17, 2007

Japan 日本



午後1時開場 1時半開演

10月6日(土) 山形ドキュメンタリー映画祭
午前10時〜12時 J Pitch セミナー 『選挙』とWhy Democracy?
午後1時30分〜 『選挙』上映+想田舞台挨拶

Last night, I arrived in Japan. This is the 4th time in Japan this year! My family and cats show not much interest in me anymore. hahaha. During my stay here, I'm planning the following events.See you there!

Sunday, Sept 23 @ Uplink X
Q&A after the screening of CAMPAIGN (which starts at 10:45 AM)

Sunday, Sept 30 @ Uplink Factory
Double Feature of CAMPAIGN and FRAGMENT (house opens at 1 PM)
Q&A together with Director Makoto Sasaki, Jicchoku Inoue, and Yama-san.

Saturday, Oct 6 Yamagata Documentary Film Festival
10 AM - J Pitch Seminar CAMPAIGN and WHY DEMOCRACY?
1:30 PM- Screening of CAMPAIGN, Q&A after the screening

Saturday, September 15, 2007

Toronto トロント

 WHY DEMOCRACY?のプロモーションで、14日、トロントへ行った。NYからは飛行機で1時間半くらいだし、16日には日本へ行かねばならぬので、日帰りの強行軍である。
 まずは、カナダの公共放送CBCのインタビューを受けた。CBCではWHY DEMOCRACY? を放送するので、30分のプロモ番組を作るのである。僕は1時間くらいあれこれ喋った。WHY DEMMOCRACY?では、10本の映画に付随した10個の「クエスチョン」もメインテーマである。ロンドンでも聞かれたが、ここでもそれに対する答えを要求された。僕の答えを少しだけ紹介するとー

Q 世界の大統領を選ぶとしたら、誰に投票するか? 答え:ダライラマ!
Q テロリズムは民主主義を破壊し得るか? 答え:破壊し得る。しかし、僕はテロリズムそのものよりも、「テロとの戦い」を遂行する側の方が民主主義を破壊しうると思う。
Q 良い独裁者というものはあり得るか? 答え:あり得ない。素晴らしい人が独裁者になったとしても、批判を受けたり政権交代する可能性がなければ、必ず腐敗する。だから長続きしない。
Q 民主主義は誰にとっても良いものであり得るか? 答え:あり得ない。独裁者にとっては良くない制度だ。
Q なぜ投票するのか? 答え:政治は僕らの生活と人生に大きな影響を与えるから。
Q 政治家は地球の気候変化は食い止められるか? 答え:そう願いたい。でなければ、我々人類は絶滅するしかない。

 インタビューには、WHY DEMOCRACY?の中心人物・BBCのニックとTV2のメッテも参加した。僕らはその後、トロント映画祭の会場に向かい、WHY DEMOCRACY?のパネル・ディスカッションに登壇した。というか、本当はニックとメッテだけが登壇する予定だったのだが、僕も飛び入りで参加したのだ。司会はトロント映画祭ドキュメンタリー部門のプログラマー、トム・パワーズだ。彼はNYに住んでいるので、面識がある。

On Sept 14th, I went to Toronto for the promotion of WHY DEMOCRACY? It was a one day trip because it takes only about an hour and a half from NY to Toronto by air, and also because I am flying to Tokyo on 16th.

As soon as I arrived in Toronto, I was interviewed by CBC, Canada's public TV/Radio network. Since CBC will air WHY DEMOCRACY? (which includes my film CAMPAIGN! THE KAWASAKI CANDIDATE), they are making a half hour promo. In WHY DEMOCRACY?, 10 questions are attached to 10 documentary films they are showing, so I was ask to answer these questions in the interview. Here are some of my answers:

Q: Who would you vote for as President of the World? A: The Dalai Lama!
Q: Can terrorism destroy democracy? A: Yes, but I'm more worried about the "War on Terror" because it can really destroy democracy.
Q: Are dictators ever good? A: No. Even if a great person becomes a dictator, he/she would definitely get corrupted if there's no criticism or the possibilities of change of government.
Q: Is democracy good for everyone? A: No, it's bad for dictators.
Q: Why bother to vote? A: Because politics can affect my life and well being tremendously.
Q: Can politicians solve climate change?: A: I hope so, otherwise, we'll be extinct.

They also interviewed Nick Fraser of BBC and Mette Hoffman Meyer of TV2 who started and run this huge project. After the interview, we all headed to Toronto Film Festival where we had a panel discussion on WHY DEMOCRACY? Actually, only Nick and Metter were supposed to be on stage, but I also spoke briefly as a guest. The moderator was Thom Powers, documentary programmer of the festival, whom I met in New York before.

Because I had to catch my airplane at 6:15, I left the panel in the middle. It was a very brief visit to Toronto, but very much worthwhile.