東京渋谷は誰もが認める、ミニシアター激戦区! メジャーもいいけど、映画をこよなく愛するなら、やはりミニシアターに通っていただきたい!
「第一回 渋谷地区ミニシアター選挙」を行います!
The competition amoung mini-theaters is fierce in Shibuya, Tokyo, where CAMPAIGN will be released starting from June 9th. Now, we are having an election to determine which newly released movie in june is the most popular. There are 6 candidates (movies) including our very own CAMPAIGN. Visit the link below and vote!
Latest documentary "Oyster Factory" has been officially invited to Locarno International Film Festival 2015! 最新作『牡蠣工場』がロカルノ国際映画祭へ正式招待されました!
Sunday, May 27, 2007
Thursday, May 24, 2007
Newly published articles 新着記事3
「月刊SKY PERFECT TV!」6月号に想田のインタビュー記事掲載。
「月刊SKY PERFECT TV!」6月号に想田のインタビュー記事掲載。
Tuesday, May 22, 2007
Newly published articles 新着記事2
また、僕のロング・インタビューがCINEMA COMIN'SOONに掲載されています。ちょっと長いですけど、ぜひお読みください。
また、僕のロング・インタビューがCINEMA COMIN'SOONに掲載されています。ちょっと長いですけど、ぜひお読みください。
Donald Richie ドナルド・リチー

Yesterday (5/21), a special preview of CAMPAIGN was held at Foreign Correspondents' Club Japan in Tokyo. A film critic Donald Richie introduced the movie. Mr. Richie is so famous as a person who introduced Japanese cinema to the west. I don't know how many times I have read his book Ozu. So, I couldn't believe my ears when I heard that he loved CAMPAIGN and that he was going to introdue it to the audience. But in fact, he did start the introduction saying "Today, we are going to show you a very important documentary." It was perfect. I am so lucky that there's somebody who fundamentally understand my work this well.
Monday, May 21, 2007
Newly published articles 新着記事
Here are some newly published articles on CAMPAIGN in Japan. Sorry they are all in Japanese!
「ドキュメンタリー映画『選挙』を監督した想田和弘 民主主義って何だろう」
メトロミニッツ(東京地下鉄のフリーペーパー) 5月20日号
「参院選目前!! 観察映画『選挙』で、日本選挙の舞台裏を観察だあーっ!!」
読売ウイークリー 6月3日号
Here are some newly published articles on CAMPAIGN in Japan. Sorry they are all in Japanese!
「ドキュメンタリー映画『選挙』を監督した想田和弘 民主主義って何だろう」
メトロミニッツ(東京地下鉄のフリーペーパー) 5月20日号
「参院選目前!! 観察映画『選挙』で、日本選挙の舞台裏を観察だあーっ!!」
読売ウイークリー 6月3日号
Sunday, May 20, 2007
Jet-lag, coffee, and soba 時差ボケとコーヒーとそば
I arrived in Tokyo last night to promote the theatrical release of CAMPAIGN here. Because of Jet-lag, I fell asleep around 8:30 PM last night, and after repeating waking up and falling asleep for countless times, I officially woke up at 5:30 this morning.
I woke up, and wanted a cup of coffee so badly. But the cafe downstairs of the hotel is still closed. I went to a Starbucks nearby only to find out that it wouldn't start until 7. Tokyo does not start up too early! I wondered around the streets of Tokyo in search of a nice cup of coffee, and found myself standing in front of a Fuji Soba restaurant near the Shibuya station. Fuji Soba is a Japanese version of Mac Donald's - a quick, cheap, fast hood franchised restaurant - the only difference is that they serve soba noodles instead of burgers. All of a sudden, I was hungry. I thought it was pathetic, but I entered the store and ate a bowl of very salty seaweed soba and a plate of spinach that seemed to have been boiled 2 hours ago. I don't know how I ended up like this - I thought I wanted to have a cup of coffee!
Returning to the hotel, I found a 24 HR open restaurant called Jonathan's right next to the hotel. I didn't know it was there... The moment I saw Jonathan's, the desire to have coffee became unstoppable. I felt pathetic (again), but I entered the restaurant asking the waiter if I can only have a cup of coffee. But then, I felt hungry again. It's dinner time in NY, after all. It's only natural that I am hungry. I ordered a toast, and ate it. I don't know how I ended up like this (again), but this is the way started my first morning in Tokyo.
I arrived in Tokyo last night to promote the theatrical release of CAMPAIGN here. Because of Jet-lag, I fell asleep around 8:30 PM last night, and after repeating waking up and falling asleep for countless times, I officially woke up at 5:30 this morning.
I woke up, and wanted a cup of coffee so badly. But the cafe downstairs of the hotel is still closed. I went to a Starbucks nearby only to find out that it wouldn't start until 7. Tokyo does not start up too early! I wondered around the streets of Tokyo in search of a nice cup of coffee, and found myself standing in front of a Fuji Soba restaurant near the Shibuya station. Fuji Soba is a Japanese version of Mac Donald's - a quick, cheap, fast hood franchised restaurant - the only difference is that they serve soba noodles instead of burgers. All of a sudden, I was hungry. I thought it was pathetic, but I entered the store and ate a bowl of very salty seaweed soba and a plate of spinach that seemed to have been boiled 2 hours ago. I don't know how I ended up like this - I thought I wanted to have a cup of coffee!
Returning to the hotel, I found a 24 HR open restaurant called Jonathan's right next to the hotel. I didn't know it was there... The moment I saw Jonathan's, the desire to have coffee became unstoppable. I felt pathetic (again), but I entered the restaurant asking the waiter if I can only have a cup of coffee. But then, I felt hungry again. It's dinner time in NY, after all. It's only natural that I am hungry. I ordered a toast, and ate it. I don't know how I ended up like this (again), but this is the way started my first morning in Tokyo.
Friday, May 18, 2007
CAMPAIGN in Okinawa 沖縄で公開決定!
It has been decided that CAMPAIGN will be in Okinawa, too! At Sakurazaka Theater from June 30 until July 6. For details, please check their website.
It has been decided that CAMPAIGN will be in Okinawa, too! At Sakurazaka Theater from June 30 until July 6. For details, please check their website.
Thursday, May 17, 2007
Sneak Preview in Hiroshima 広島先行上映決定
On Tuesday May 29 at 19:00, we are going to have a sneak preview of CAMPAIGN at Yokokawa Cinema in Hiroshima. I and Yama-san will greet the audience and do some Q&A after the screening. I've never been to Hiroshima before. I'm so excited. Please come and meet us!
On Tuesday May 29 at 19:00, we are going to have a sneak preview of CAMPAIGN at Yokokawa Cinema in Hiroshima. I and Yama-san will greet the audience and do some Q&A after the screening. I've never been to Hiroshima before. I'm so excited. Please come and meet us!
Special Preview at FCCJ 外国特派員協会で特別試写会
5月21日(月曜日)19時から、東京有楽町にある日本外国特派員協会FCCJ( Foreign Correspondents' Club Japan )で『選挙』特別試写会を開きます。あのドナルド・リチーさんが映画のイントロダクションをして下さいます。僕も参ります。残念ながら、特派員協会のメンバーとそのゲスト限定。詳しくは下記のリンクまで。
On Monday, May 21 at 19:00, we'll have a special preview of CAMPAIGN at Foreign Correspondents' Club Japan in Yuraku-cho, Tokyo. A renowned film critic Donald Richie will introduce the movie. I feel so honored! I will be there, too. FCCJ members and their guests only. Visit the website below for details.
On Monday, May 21 at 19:00, we'll have a special preview of CAMPAIGN at Foreign Correspondents' Club Japan in Yuraku-cho, Tokyo. A renowned film critic Donald Richie will introduce the movie. I feel so honored! I will be there, too. FCCJ members and their guests only. Visit the website below for details.
Newly Arrived Articles 新着関連記事
As CAMPAIGN's release date in Japan getting closer, many articles are coming up. Here are some of them that came up recently.
GQ Japan
The Japan Times
夕刊フジ (Fuji Evening News)
東京スポーツ (Tokyo Sports)
週刊エコノミスト(Weekly Economist)
日経ウーマン(Nikkei Woman)
As CAMPAIGN's release date in Japan getting closer, many articles are coming up. Here are some of them that came up recently.


Newly Arrived Comments 新着コメント
『選挙』について、各界からコメントをいただきました。ご紹介します。 なお、英語の引用は日本語の翻訳ではなく、全く別物です。
I've got some new comments on CAMPAIGN, which I'd like to introduce below. English quotes are not the translations of the Japanese. They are totally separate.
選挙はギャグだ!! 投票するより出馬しろ。そんな映画だ!!
(大川豊/大川興業 総裁)
政治家——この哀しきヤカラに心より同情…なんかしないけどね(笑) 有権者として「選挙」には付き合ってあげるワ。
Fascinating insight into the inner-workings of the Japanese political machine.
- The New York Times
Campaign is fascinating stuff, with Yamauchi trying to be all things to all people – but it's also hilarious.
- Austin Chronicle
Director Kazuhiro, a schoolmate of Yamauchi, tells his story with much affection and respect, and the access provided by his old chum provides a rare view of on-the-ground Japanese politics.
- Sydney Film Festival
Director Kazuhiro Soda, an experienced doc lensman, follows Yamauchi's election to the nail-biting conclusion. But Campaign is also wincingly hilarious, with the harried candidate running around like a man on fire, addressing disinterested commuters and even people sleeping in their homes with his omnipresent P.A. system.
- twitchfilm.net
Campaign is not a movie with a political discourse, but one where the director comes closer to a portrait of contemporary Japanese society, that reflects Japan´s complex essence in detail.
- Barcelona Asian Film Festival
I've got some new comments on CAMPAIGN, which I'd like to introduce below. English quotes are not the translations of the Japanese. They are totally separate.
選挙はギャグだ!! 投票するより出馬しろ。そんな映画だ!!
(大川豊/大川興業 総裁)
政治家——この哀しきヤカラに心より同情…なんかしないけどね(笑) 有権者として「選挙」には付き合ってあげるワ。
Fascinating insight into the inner-workings of the Japanese political machine.
- The New York Times
Campaign is fascinating stuff, with Yamauchi trying to be all things to all people – but it's also hilarious.
- Austin Chronicle
Director Kazuhiro, a schoolmate of Yamauchi, tells his story with much affection and respect, and the access provided by his old chum provides a rare view of on-the-ground Japanese politics.
- Sydney Film Festival
Director Kazuhiro Soda, an experienced doc lensman, follows Yamauchi's election to the nail-biting conclusion. But Campaign is also wincingly hilarious, with the harried candidate running around like a man on fire, addressing disinterested commuters and even people sleeping in their homes with his omnipresent P.A. system.
- twitchfilm.net
Campaign is not a movie with a political discourse, but one where the director comes closer to a portrait of contemporary Japanese society, that reflects Japan´s complex essence in detail.
- Barcelona Asian Film Festival
Tuesday, May 08, 2007
CAMPAIGN to be released on June 9th! 「選挙」公開、6月9日にスタート!

The release dates of CAMPAIGN in many cities in Japan have been determined. In Tokyo, Saturday June 9th is the opening. I and Yama-san are planning to greet the audience. English subtitled version is also to be screened once a day in Tokyo. (We are considering to show it in other cities as well).
See you in the theaters!
Official Website: http://www.laboratoryx.us/campaignjp
English Website: http://www.laboratoryx.us/campaign
[東京]シアター・イメージフォーラム 03-5766-0114
Image Forum, Tokyo
[大阪] 第七藝術劇場 06-6302-2073
[名古屋] シネマテーク 052-733-3959
[広島] 横川シネマ 082-231-1001
Dai nana Geijutsu Gekijo, Osaka
Cinematheque, Nagoya
Yokokawa Cinema, Hiroshima
[札幌] シアターキノ 011-231-9355
[岡山] シネマ・クレール 086-231-0019
[金沢] シネモンド 076-220-5007
[兵庫] 神戸アートビレッジセンター 078-512-5500
Theater Kino, Sapporo
Cinema Clair, Okayama
Cine-monde, Kanazawa
Kobe Art Village Center, Hyogo
6/下旬〜 (Late June)
[福岡] KBCシネマ 092-751-4268
KBC Cinema, Fukuoka
[松本] 松本CINEMAセレクト 0263-98-4928
Matsumoto Cinema Select, Nagano
[京都] 京都シネマ 075-353-4723
Kyoto Cinema, Kyoto
近日上映 Coming Soon
[新潟] シネ・ウインド 025-243-5530
[青森] 八戸フォーラム 0178-71-1555
[岩手] 盛岡フォーラム 019-622-4770
[宮城] 仙台チネ・ラヴィータ 022-299-5555
[山形] 山形フォーラム 023-632-3220
[福島] 福島フォーラム 024-533-1717
Cine Wind, Niigata
Hachinohe Forum, Aomori
Morioka Forum, Iwate
Sendai Cine LaVita, Miyagi
Yamagata Forum, Yamagata
Fukushima Forum, Fukushima
Wednesday, May 02, 2007
Kazuo Hara & Sachiko Kobayashi 原一男、小林佐智子

原一男はこれまで、常に自らの映画の主人公と激しく対峙し、主導権争いをする過程で、4本の傑作を生み出して来た。『さようならCP』『極私的エロス』『ゆきゆきて、神軍』『全身小説家』のいずれも、強烈で力のある主人公を前にして、それに負けまい、寄り切られまいとする原さんがいた。被写体との厳しい確執があったからこそ、原映画には独特の緊張感が生まれたともいえる。そう考えると、女優陣の中で唯一原さんの演出方法に挑戦し、闘いを挑んで来た桃井かおりが、それにあらがおうとする原さんの力を無理矢理引き出し、映画そのものを引っ張ったのではないか。だから、第4章は劇映画ではなく、女優と監督の確執を記録したドキュメンタリーだったのではないか。原一男のエネルギーは、力に対する反作用として発揮される。僕にはそう思えた。トークの中で原さんが「大島渚や小川紳介、今村昌平など、一世代前の映画作家たちの作品を凌駕し乗り越えようとして映画を作った」と言われたことも、僕の説を裏付けるような気がした。 彼には、抵抗したくなる強大な「敵」が必要なのだ。僕は原さんに『またの日の知華』の感想を述べ、失礼を承知で「原さんは根っからのドキュメンタリストなのではないか」と申し上げた。原さんは「だからといってフィクションを撮っちゃいけないというわけじゃないでしょう?」と苦笑いをされた。

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