Wednesday, March 30, 2011

PEACE won the Best Documentary Award in HK! 『PEACE』が香港で最優秀ドキュメンタリー賞を受賞!






PEACE just got BEST DOCUMENTARY AWARD at Hong Kong International Film Festival!

Jury’s comment: Peace is a quiet film with an unusual power to move. By following the ordinary lives of people and cats, the camera leads the audience to discover the concept of peace in its most fundamental sense, not as a state of negotiated, reluctant coexistence, but as an idea that lies at the core of our humanity. The film reveals the sublime through the mundane.

What I said at the Award Ceremony: I'm from Japan. I've been so overwhelmed by the tragedy my country is experiencing that I almost cancelled the trip to Hong Kong. But I'm a filmmaker. It's my job to make movies and to show them to people. So I changed my mind to come here. I'm now confident that I made a right decision. I'll continue to make movies.

PEACE is a movie about people and cats coexisting together under difficult circumstances. I take this award as an encouragement for all the beings in Japan facing the overwhelming tragedy. I'm very touched!


  1. 読者8:11 AM


    偶然にも今日 東京地下鉄の駅の
    TOKYO 人権というフリーペーパーで

    節電、節電で 夜 映画館にすら行けなくなるのがつらいですね。太陽発電で上映する映画館をつくる時代かもしれません。

  2. ありがとうございます。そうですね、公開にはいろいろと準備が必要なので7月に行うことになると思います。電力に関しては、現代人のライフスタイルの根本から、そして供給体制のシステムから考え直さないといけないですね。

  3. Wendy Yu1:34 AM

    Dear Mr Soda

    Belated congratulations on winning the Best Documentary Award in the HK International Film Festival.

    It is good to see you winning it. I was in the 1st screening and I like it very much, especially the contrast that you have made, i.e. the old and the young; a jogger (if I remember correctly) and then some one who needs walking assistance. I am also touched by what your in-laws are doing. Never easy to do mental heath volunteering and not to mention hospice. I remember I asked you about the cats at the Q&A session after the screening of Mental (outside the cinema). You didn't really give an answer then. I think I now “know” the answer.

    Will Peace be released worldwide? And, will 精神病とモザイク be available in English too?

    Thank you for sharing your experience with us and for coming to HK at such a sad time in your own country. Today is the 11 of April, one month after the earthquake and tsunami in Japan. My thoughts are with you all in these times of tragic and extreme difficulty.

    All the best and we all look forward to seeing “Theater” in HK!

    Wendy Yu


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